Oregon News Guidelines & Content

Guidelines for Oregon News submissions:

  • Honor the time-sensitive deadlines: August 20–Fall issue, October 20–Winter issue, January 20–Spring issue, May 20–Summer issue
  • Submit text in a Microsoft Word document.
  • Edit for content, grammar, punctuation, spelling, and word usage.
  • Keep articles short and simple (KISS principle); 200 words maximum.
  • Send photos attached separately that are clear and will look satisfactory in color or black and white; jpg preferred.
  • Articles may be heavily edited (please indicate the highest priorities in your submissions).
    Primarily promotes state and National programs and events.

Oregon News content outline:

Fall Issue (August 20 and September delivery):

President’s Column
Program VP
:  Report on summer conference.
Public Policy chair:  Voter education and election issues.
Secretary:  Action taken at summer conference.
District Directors:  Information on fall district meetings; news from the branches.

Winter Issue (October 20 and November delivery):

President’s Column
Program VP:
  Promote state convening and associated fundraising.
Membership VP:  Membership news.
Communications VP:  Highlights from branch newsletters and websites.
Resolutions chair:  Solicit resolutions for state convention.
Nominating committee:  Announcement on nominating for state board.
Bylaws chair:  Announcement of pending bylaws amendments.
District Directors:  Reports on fall district meetings; news from the branches.

Spring Issue (January 20 and February/March delivery):
Focus on state convening

President’s Column
Program VP:
 Convening highlights, schedule, keynote speaker, leader photos and biographies, workshop descriptions, leader session descriptions.
Nomination chair:  Nominees’ photos, campaign statements.
Membership VP:  Preparations for convening and membership news.
Public Policy chair:  Issues and proposals outline.
Resolutions/Bylaws chairs:  Text of proposals.
AAUW Funds chair:  Speaker(s) and program highlights.
Other:  News item giving date for Summer Leadership event.

Summer Issue (May 20 and June delivery):

President’s Column
Program VP: 
Recap of annual meeting; program of summer meeting;  registration form, times, dates, place, cost.
Membership VP:  Membership awards and news.
AAUW Funds chair:  State awards.
Secretary:  Action taken at state business meeting; bylaws report.
District Directors: News from the branches.