Public Policy

Covid-19 Guidelines: AAUW’s recommendation is to adhere to the state guidelines as determined by its governor. Link to


AAUW Statement on Dobbs Decision

AAUW strongly condemns the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization. AAUW believes everyone has the right to make decisions about their own reproductive lives without government interference. Abortion access is vital to women’s ability to control their lives, bodies and futures. Without reproductive freedom, there can be no equity.


Abortion Remains Legal, Accessible in Oregon

Following a U.S. Supreme Court decision that overturns Roe vs. Wade, Oregon Health Authority (OHA) is reminding people that abortion remains legal in the state.

The Reproductive Health Equity Act (RHEA) was established in 2017 after the Oregon Legislature passed House Bill 3391. The landmark legislation contained multiple provisions to both protect and expand access to the full scope of reproductive health services, including abortion, for all people in Oregon. More>


Branch Public Policy Chair Toolkit

AAUW of Oregon Public Policy Program Goals 2024-26

Become a Two-Minute Activist>

Oregon Equal Pay Toolkit>

Annual Meeting 2022 Keynote Address
Bridging the Gap, Rep. Pam Marsh (D, Dist. 5)
Watch on YouTube>
Representative Marsh represents Southern Jackson County. Current challenges at the legislature include the need for expanded broadband service, fire recovery, housing assistance, hemp regulation, and climate extremes.


AAUW of Oregon Position Statements on Current Events:

Critical Race Theory:
Clarifying the Origins of the Disinformation Campaign
Marvin Lynn, Ph.D., Former Dean of the School of Education,
Portland State University. Program presented to Lake Oswego Branch, January 8, 2022.
View Slide Show>

AAUW Condemns Anti-Asian Violence
“AAUW is saddened and angered by the senseless killings in Atlanta and stands with the AAPI community to demand an end to the anti-Asian racism and violence that has intensified in our nation over the past year. The shootings that took the lives of eight individuals, including six women of Asian descent, are the latest tragic example of the increased anti-Asian discrimination we’ve seen since the beginning of the pandemic. This crime is also a reminder of the misogyny and sexism that remain pervasive in our culture and are so often intertwined with white supremacy. Racism, hate and violence against women have no place in our society. On behalf of our 170,000 members and supporters, we call on our nation’s leaders to forcefully address the toxic systemic racism and sexism that threaten the safety and well-being of our Asian-American community, especially women who are disproportionately vulnerable.
We vow to continue our work to advance deep cultural and policy change to ensure that all Americans are free of discrimination and oppression.”
AAUW CEO Kim Churches AAUW, 3/19/21 >

AAUW Condemns Racism
We condemn racism, which is so deeply rooted in our country and demonstrated in many aspects of our lives. There can be no justice or equality when any individuals or communities are treated with indignity or denied equitable access to health care, quality education, desirable housing, opportunities for job advancement and economic security. 
As advocates for equality, it behooves us as AAUW of Oregon members to recognize and speak up against racism. We therefore commit to fighting for justice, long-term and lasting change, and we stand in solidarity against racism. We pledge to take action in advancing policies and systemic changes that respond directly to racial biases. We also acknowledge that as an organization we have our own work to do.
AAUW of Oregon Board of Directors