Leadership & Recognition

AAUW of Oregon Executive Officers 2023-2024

Lynda Lybecker, President

Kelli Matthews, Communications VP

Monica Weyhe, Finance Vice President

Catherine Lutes, President-Elect, Membership VP

Pam Shay, Program Vice President

Marie Mueller, Secretary

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AAUW of Oregon State Named Gift Honorees

Congratulations and many thanks to the AAUW Oregon members who were selected for 2023-24: 

Wendy Cook

Monica Weyhe

Lynda Lybecker





he AAUW of Oregon state named gift honorees are nominated by the board of directors and branch leaders. They are asked to select people who have elevated AAUW state activities in a special project or ongoing basis. This year there are three State Named Gift Honorees:

Named Gift Honorees Historical List>


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