Overview of the position: Gain visibility for AAUW’s mission and programs among AAUW members and external audiences statewide. Coordinate all publications and media exposure for the state and state meetings.
Overall responsibilities:
- Serve on the AAUW of Oregon Executive Committee and the Board of Directors.
- Develop and oversee the state communications budget.
- Maintain contact with branch contacts as needed.
- Evaluate previous state communications efforts and assess current needs.
- Form a state communications committee. Assign accountability for the various components of your communications plan, such as newsletter development and distribution, social media, and website creation and maintenance. Committee consists of:
- Oregon News Editor
- Website Manager
- MailChimp list maintenance
- Historian
- Social Media Managers
Responsibilities for Oregon News (quarterly publication)
- Establish deadlines for Fall, Winter, Convention and Summer Issues
- Compile and lightly edit articles and send to Newsletter Editor
- Work with Editor and Proofreader to produce final copy
- Send finalized copy out in MailChimp emails to:
- AAUW-OR Members
- C/U Representatives and other interested parties
- Post to state website
- Send final issue for printing. Get list of members who receive a hard copy via USPS from state database manager and facilitate mailing.
Update and maintain the AAUW-OR State Directory:
- Big update starts July 1
- Directory issued by email to Branch presidents and State Board of Directors
- Update as needed throughout the year
- Post to state website in the protected section
State Annual Meeting (formerly “Convention”) Responsibilities:
- Oversee all aspects of communication and publicity for the state annual meeting.
- Have a logo developed for the state meetings.
- Recommend workbook editor for appointment.
- Appoint meeting photographer.
- Finalize official meeting notice to members two months in advance and publicize by state newsletter and website.
- Arrange for press releases, media interviews, etc.
- Coordinate with the nominating committee to ensure timely receipt of candidate information.
- Coordinate appropriate pre- and post-meeting communications with the Oregon News editor and the website manager, including photography.
- Coordinate with the historian to ensure pertinent documents are archived.
Specific leadership skills helpful to the position: Organizational skills, computer and email skills, planning, team building, consensus building. Basic understanding of publications, social media and website management and design.
Time commitments: Along with the time necessary to accomplish the above responsibilities, serve on the state board of directors and other committees as assigned. Attend state conventions and board meetings.
(rev. 2021, Ilga Ross)